Course curriculum

    1. Intro to Rally Novice

    1. Resources

    2. Hand signals

    3. Slip knot

    1. What does your dog need to know?

    2. Exercise: Teaching Heeling

    3. Practicing Heeling

    4. Demo: Teaching Straight Sits

    5. Exercise: Straight Sits

    6. Demo: Teaching the Left Swing Finish

    7. Exercises: Teaching the Left Swing Finish

    8. Demo: Teaching the Right Around Finish

    9. Exercise: Teaching the Right Around Finish

    10. Demo: Teaching the Front

    11. Exercise: Teaching the Front

    1. The Rally Novice Signs

    2. CKC Rally Novice Signs

    1. From Start to Sit to Down and Finish

    2. Demo: Start, Sit, Sit to Down and Finish

    3. Sits, Sits, and more Sits!

    4. Demo: Halt, 1 Step, Halt, 2 Steps, Halt, 3 Steps, Halt

    5. Down and Stop

    1. Call Fronts and Finishes

    2. Call Front, Finish Left, Halt

    3. Call Front, Finish Right, Halt

    4. Call Front, Finish Right, Forward; Call Front, Finish Left, Forward

    5. Finish Right and Finish Left - Workaround

    6. Call Front, 1 Step Back, Halt, 2 Steps Back, Halt, 3 Steps Back, Halt

About this course

  • $69.99
  • 58 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content